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Can't Live Without...Creativity

Andrea Clement

Hare print & Brene Brown quote

I've been taking part in #MarchMeetTheMaker over on Instagram ( hosted by @joannehawker) and the prompt for day 19 was "can't live without". After having a good long think I realised that I really cannot live without creativity.

Creative lives are lives full of continual learning and exploration, forever expanding and evolving.

I don't think I would want to live in a world devoid of it and it really saddens me the way it is being devalued at the moment.

Creative industries contribute widely to our lives and economy and yet they're being continually sidelined.

This is especially true in education at the moment where STEM subjects are given precedence over arts and humanities. It is also completely wrong-headed, science and maths cannot exist in a vacuum and the best and brightest from these areas already acknowledge the importance of creativity in their fields. What we need is STEAM not STEM.

My mission is to create fearlessly and inspire fearless creation in others. What's yours?

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